Retail Service Associate

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-08

Kohl's is Hirig A Retail Service Associate

The remueratio for a stadard full-time job is ustated

Save Full-Time Retail Sales Associate job opportuity to your cart for later cosideratio

? Whe dealig with customers ad associates, it's crucial to greet them with a smile ad exted a friedly gesture. It would also be helpful to be prompt i aswerig their questios ad requests, efficietly adherig to the Yes We Ca policy
? To foster positive iteractios with customers, make sure to familiarize yourself with the GREAT program, which outlies five actioable steps for effective commuicatio. These steps iclude warmly greetig the customer, askig for their credit, clarifyig ay discouts, solicitig their feedback, ad expressig gratitude for their busiess
? Possessig the aptitude to grasp ad coform to moder techology for the purpose of addressig customers' requiremets
? Effective problem solvig is crucial for providig uparalleled customer service
? Ecourages, lauches ad brigs ito actio Kohls Charge applicatios ad customer loyalty programs
? Esures that cash hadlig procedures adhere to the orgaizatio's stadards ad guidelies
? Egage customers throughout trasactios to esure accurate ad efficiet completio
? Willig to lear ad be traied i differet departmets, wheever ecessary


? Aptitude to hoist 50 pouds for certai or frequet occasios
? The job requires the ability to sped all work hours stadig or movig about the differet departmets, with frequet physical activities such as reachig, carryig, bedig, liftig, ad walkig
? Adherig to Kohl's policy ad procedures boosts trasparecy ad accoutability, stregtheig the cofidece of stakeholders, associates, ad customers i the compay
? Regular attedace
? The ability to covey ideas ad thoughts clearly, succictly ad effectively is a critical skill for ayoe who wats to excel i a busiess eviromet
? Fudametal proficiecies i math ad readig, clear writig, ad thoroughess i particulars
? The capability to work efficietly as a part of a team ad positively egage with colleagues is a essetial quality

? Prior retail experiece
? Skilled i utilizig techology effectively while performig assiged duties

Our Purpose

At our core, we aspire to stimulate ad authorize families to live joyful lives by offerig them various opportuities. Our employees also have the chace to expad their kowledge ad skills while savorig the peaceful eviromet. We are humble yet resiliet. We project a geial aura while beig cocetrated. While we are hardworkig, we also kow how to uwid. Discover the Kohls experiece.

Map your commute

We suggest that you double-check that you have selected the locatio where you ited to apply.

Esurig that all merchadise is showcased i a appealig ad attractive maer that meets the compay's stadards.

Directly overseeig the workflow, traiig ad orietatio of associates to esure best practice is eforced.

Maximizes customer satisfactio ad promotes a positive ambiace for shoppig at Kohl's through the use of moder techology to guide the operatios team i providig fast ad flexible service.

Empowers the sales team to deliver exceptioal experieces ad boost sales usig cuttig-edge techology ad a deep uderstadig of the product.

We highly value your satisfactio ad strive to create a positive experiece that meets your eeds ad exceeds your expectatios

Apply Job!

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