Customer Care Associate

Remote, USA Full-time Posted 2025-03-08

The compay seeks cadidates&bsp;Customer Care Associate

As the top pet pharmacy i America, Chewy is curretly searchig for a ew Customer Service Associate to become a part of our exceptioal team. You'll be icluded i a crew of devoted ad ethusiastic members whose mai goal is to give pet owers a uforgettable, reliable, ad impressive experiece

Chewy's uique culture is aother reaso why employees are cotet ad motivated to work for the compay. The compay fosters a eviromet of support, collaboratio, ad learig, which allows the employees to thrive ad grow professioally. Furthermore, the compay ecourages a sese of commuity, makig work feel less mootoous ad more ejoyable

Why you will fid workig here ejoyable:
?I a effort to attract ad retai top talet, busiesses must offer lucrative salary packages that led support to the lifestyle eeds of their employees
?Always aim for excellece i aythig you put your efforts ito ad take meticulous care i everythig you do
?At our workplace, you will experiece a sese of oeess where your abilities ad cotributios are highly regarded ad your perseverace ad labor are duly celebrated.

We aim to provide top-quality healthcare ad welless offerigs that are tailored to our cliets' eeds. The key to achievig this goal is assemblig a team capable of fosterig a eviromet rooted i growth, excellece, ad customer satisfactio. As a leader o this team, you will be resposible for drivig this effort

Igite your ier spark for developmet, growth, ad achievemet!

Your Daily Tasks:
?Egage with Chewy's pharmacy customer base through multiple commuicatio platforms, offerig direct support ad addressig various topics. This will primarily ivolve receivig iboud calls ad fieldig other forms of correspodece.
?Idetify ad address customer issues by utilizig problem-solvig techiques ad thorough research. Proactive follow-up is crucial to esure the customers eeds are fully met.
?Daze our customers with exceptioal service. Our team values employees who ca do more tha simply follow a set script??hey seek idividuals who ca sympathize with the customer ad provide creative solutios that meet their eeds while always keepig safety ad regulatio i mid.

What You'll Need
?The ideal cadidate would have a backgroud of customer-cetric work for a duratio of at least oe to two years
?Excellet commuicatio skills
?Beig able to multitask ad thikig critically are ecessary i today's fast-paced work eviromet
?Beig able to accommodate ad work overtime as eeded, while beig flexible with the schedule
?Show up with a determiatio to excel!

Chewy firmly believes i providig a fair chace to every idividual ad diversity ad iclusio are at the ceter of our values. Team Members with disabilities uder the America Disabilities Act (ADA) or comparable laws, requirig assistace with job requiremets or chages durig the applicatio process, are ecouraged to get i touch with [email protected].

About Role: A Customer Service Represetative at Chewy plays a pivotal role i esurig a positive ad seamless experiece for pet owers ad customers. Charged with hadlig iquiries, cocers, ad providig assistace, these professioals leverage their commuicatio skills ad product kowledge to address customer eeds effectively. Chewy's customer service team is kow for its dedicatio to deliverig exceptioal service, ofte goig above ad beyod to resolve issues promptly ad build lastig relatioships with customers. Whether assistig with order iquiries, offerig product recommedatios, or resolvig shippig cocers, Chewy's Customer Service Represetative are committed to fosterig a customer-cetric eviromet, reflectig the compay's emphasis o pet care ad satisfactio.

To receive additioal details about your applicatio, kidly cotact [email protected].

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