Sales Strategy & Operations Associate
Job Descriptio:
At Kohl's Stores, you'll fid a commuity of idividuals who embrace iclusivity, edeavor to support oe aother, ad ackowledge the value of celebratig their achievemets.
Why Kohl's:
Foster a eviromet where teamwork is ecouraged ad idividuals are motivated to work effectively together.
Customized Work Schedule: Get the chace to create your work schedule that truly matches your lifestyle eeds with our shift flexibility offerig. You ca work durig the day, ight, or weeked. Our team is ready to cooperate with you!
This holiday seaso, ejoy a 15% associate discout for your shoppig spree ad make use of stackable coupos to avail further discouts
The presece of compassioate leaders who ivest time i listeig ad aidig your progress ca make a sigificat differece i oe's success.
Get ready to shop a variety of trusted atioal brads that have eared a special place i your heart.
Our aim at Kohl's is to become the most reliable store for those who uphold a athletic ad comfortable way of livig. Our team culture values iclusivity ad supports oe aother??s accomplishmets, ultimately strivig to deliver a top-otch customer experiece.
About the Role:
As a itegral part of our sales team, you'll be tasked with promotig a culture of sales while maitaiig a focus o creatig a cosistet ad memorable customer experiece. You'll accomplish this goal by iteractig with customers i a positive maer, employig our world-reowed hospitality metality. Your duties will iclude educatig our patros o our curret merchadise selectio, upcomig promotioal evets, ad effectively maagig the day-to-day operatioal processes. By prioritizig the coectio with our customers, you will be able to accurately assess ad solve their shoppig eeds, esurig that every sigle idividual feels valued, welcomed ad rewarded.
Key Accoutabilities:
? Our Shop C3 Program is desiged to ehace your busiess's performace by assistig i sales, hospitality, operatios, huma resources ad coversio.
? Drive sales
? Boost your sales by cultivatig a shoppig eviromet that ivigorates shoppers to explore your offerigs ad ecourages them to add products to their carts
? Implemet a stadardized traiig program for all customer-facig employees to esure cosistet customer service
? Creatig a authetic hospitality experiece ivolves ot oly creatig a friedly eviromet but also executig a persoalized approach, desiged to make customers feel special
? Aid i the smooth operatio of sales floor, fittig room, poit of sale, ad other operatioal processes as required
? Make every customer feel appreciated, respected ad rewarded.
? Creatig a trustig relatioship with your customers is critical to meetig their shoppig requiremets
? Utilize multi-chael strategies to eable a seamless ad effortless customer jourey
? Carry out our established operatioal processes, such as BOPUS, BOSS, MLS, ad SFS, with exactess to guaratee excellet customer service
? Forge a strog rapport with the customer by takig the time to liste attetively to their cocers
? Recogize ad support patros via our orgaizatio's schemes
? Maage trasactios precisely ad expedietly, all while maitaiig egagemets with cliets
? Help idividuals grow their fiaces by providig recommedatios o how to save more usig Kohl's credit cards
? Iitiates the coversio of Kohl??s Card applicatios
? Respectful ad attetive towards ay queries or demads
Essetial Fuctios:
This positio requires the ability to collaborate with others i a team settig, as well as to idepedetly complete tasks. It is ecessary to have excellet orgaizatioal ad time-maagemet skills, icludig the ability to prioritize tasks effectively. The idividual should also possess strog commuicatio skills, both verbal ad writte, as well as the ability to read ad iterpret writte ad verbal istructios.
? The capacity to carry out assiged resposibilities is a essetial skill for ay idividual or orgaizatio. It is critical to be able to idetify what those tasks are, uderstad how to execute them, ad to complete them withi the desigated time frame. A perso who possesses the ability to perform the key accoutabilities assiged to them will be successful i their role
? Meetig the attedace requiremets set by the compay is crucial for employees.
? The capacity to coform with the dress code is essetial.
? Showig aptitude i comprehedig ad followig all compay rules, regulatios, ad guidelies.
? The aptitude to receive, iterpret, ad take proactive measures based o orders give by supervisors/maagers ad other staff members.
? The aptitude to fuctio as a team player ad egage i productive iteractios with peers.
? Competece i completig multiple assigmets withi the give timeframes i a fast-paced settig.
? Excellig i compay-provided traiig ad developmet programs.
? Elemetary arithmetic ad literacy abilities, clear hadwritig, ad basic computer familiarity.
? Skilled i hadlig ad commuicatig through differet frequecy devices, hadheld scaers, ad other techology-related gadgets as directed.
? Capability to work o a schedule that icludes weekdays, weekeds, ad eveigs.
? Follow the guidelies metioed i the Physical Needs sectio while workig.
Physical Requiremets:
? The job requires the ability to lift up to 50 pouds o a frequet basis, with some heavier loads requirig assistace from a secod idividual.
? Frequet squattig, stoopig, ad crouchig is a requisite.
? The aptitude to stad or walk throughout a arraged duty period (which should ot be less tha 8 hours).
? The aptitude to visually cofirm data ad pipoit ad scrutiize commodities.
? The capability to use a face coverig or shield ad other protective apparel.
? Aptitude to perform tasks such as curbside ad truck uload amidst chagig temperatures, humidity ad other elemets.
Preferred Qualificatios:
? No Prior Retail or Service Idustry Experiece Required
? Capability to ifluece others by effectively commuicatig i a clear ad brief way, showcasig excellet verbal ad writte skills.
? Possessig a propesity towards iquisitiveess ad a thirst for learig
? Firm determiatio to uphold diversity ad promote a eviromet of iclusivity at work
You will begi earig $14.00 per hour.
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